My New Year’s Programming Resolution #2022

Adham El Banhawy
2 min readFeb 4, 2022


It’s that time of the year again! Actually I’m late to this and the time should have been at the start of January, but it’s better late than never!

Photo by carolyn christine on Unsplash

2021 Reflections:

It’s funny I have to write this down again because I just did so formally with my manager at work as part of the yearly evaluation. Suffice to say that went well!

Informally speaking now, 2021 was a great year for me. I just spent 1 whole year working as a cloud developer at IBM and it has been everything I had hoped for and more. I was able to hone my existing skills, pickup and master new ones, and make friends along the way.

I achieved almost all of my goals from last years’ programming resolution and more. Those include:

  • Earn a AWS cloud certificate — I sat my first AWS exam and earned the Developer Associate
  • Become proficient using kubernetes — luckily I got assigned a project at work where I deal with kubernetes a lot to deploy application. I went from 0 to a very capable kubernetes user in a span of a few months.
  • Do more side projects & update my portfolio — I managed to complete one freelance project for a small car wash business using React and Firebase. I do need to “update my portfolio” though to showcase that.
  • Walk my dogs more often — Happy to report I walked my good boi & girl a lot more this year 🐕‍🦺

I had initially planned to earn an Azure cloud certificate as well, but I decided against it since I don’t really use it at work or personally anymore, unlike AWS which is my to-go cloud platform.

New Year’s Resolution for 2022:

Following last year’s good progress, I think I have good momentum to achieve even more goals.

Here is my list for 2022:

  • Earn TWO AWS cloud certificates
  • Write technical blogs more frequently
  • Launch a simple SaaS webapp on AWS

These are ambitious goals for me taking into account the huge amounts of time each of these tasks can take. Nevertheless, I will try my best to get it done and come out a more experienced developer by the end of the year.

Here’s to the pursuit of success and error free deployments 🥂🤞



Adham El Banhawy

Software Developer, blogger, and tech enthusiast. Previously @ IBM. Currently Cloud consulting.